Aydarbekov Imanaly (1884-1938). Imanaly received a good education for those times at the Bishkek Agricultural School of Gardening and then at the Tashkent Hydrotechnical School. As far back as in tsarist times, Imanaly worked in the resettlement administration, so he knew life from different sides. I. Aidarbekov entered the revolution consciously and actively participated in the activities of the new Soviet power. The first serious Bolshevik commission for him was the suppression of the leftist rebellion in Belovodskoe, and then in Naryn. At the end of 1919 he was elected chairman of the Bishkek City Council. In the spring of 1923, he was nominated to the Presidium of Semirechensk Regional Soviet.
On October 21, 1924 the Central Executive Committee approved the membership of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast, which was composed of 17 people. I. Aidarbekov was appointed as the chairman of the Revolutionary Committee. Aidarbekov was among those who signed the so-called statement of “thirty” criticizing the policy pursued by the authorities. The payback did not keep me waiting. After three months of investigation, the majority of the signatories were removed from their positions and some were expelled from the party. I. Aidarbekov received a severe party reprimand, was removed from his postpresidency and expelled to Sredazburo.
In 1927 the disgrace of I. Aidarbekov was partially removed. Simultaneously with the appointment of Y. Abdrakhmanov as chairman of Sovnarkom, Imanaly was appointed chairman of the Central Committee of National Economy. On September 4, 1937 he was accused of being a member of Social-Turan Party and of organizing group struggle during formation of Mountain Province. On November 5, 1938, he and his comrades-in-arms were shot in the yard of the local city prison
Ak-Buura river
Ak-Buura, river. It flows through the territory of Nookat and Karasuu rayons, Osh oblast. It